Scariest tribes you don’t want to meet.



ImageThe Korubo tribe, also known as the “People of the Headwaters,” is an indigenous group living in the remote rainforest of Brazil. They are a small tribe, with an estimated population of less than 300 people. The Korubo people are known for their traditional way of life and their resistance to outside contact.

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The Korubo people are hunter-gatherers, relying on the forest for their livelihoods. They hunt animals such as monkeys, wild pigs, and deer, and gather fruits, nuts, and roots. The Korubo people are skilled hunters, using traditional weapons such as blowpipes and poison darts to catch their prey.

The Korubo people are also known for their unique cultural practices. They have a rich mythology and believe in a complex system of spirits and gods. The Korubo people also have a tradition of body painting, using natural pigments to create intricate designs on their skin.

The Korubo people have had limited contact with the outside world, and their isolation has helped them maintain their traditional way of life. However, in recent years, their territory has been threatened by deforestation and illegal mining. The Brazilian government has established protected areas for the Korubo people, but their survival remains uncertain.

The Korubo people have faced numerous challenges, including disease and violence from outside groups. Despite these challenges, they remain committed to preserving their cultural heritage and way of life. The Korubo people have a strong sense of community and cooperation, which has helped them survive in the harsh environment of the rainforest.


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