6 Healthy Snacks Under 100 Calories


4. Skyr (150 g) with Honey (1 tsp)

1,300+ Greek Yogurt With Honey Stock Photos, Pictures ...Skyr is an Icelandic dairy product that’s similar to yogurt but thicker and higher in protein. A 150-gram serving of skyr contains fewer than 100 calories, making it a nutritious and filling snack. When paired with a teaspoon of honey, it becomes a delightful treat that’s both sweet and satisfying.

Skyr is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and probiotics, which are beneficial for gut health. The high protein content helps keep you full and satisfied, while the calcium supports bone health. Adding a teaspoon of honey provides a touch of natural sweetness without significantly increasing the calorie count.

To enjoy this snack, simply scoop some skyr into a bowl and drizzle with honey. You can also add fresh fruit or a few nuts for extra flavor and texture. Skyr with honey is a low-calorie snack that’s rich in protein and probiotics, offering a healthy and delicious treat.