7 Must-Have Excel Skills Everyone Should Know


6. Generate a QR Code

In today’s digital world, QR codes are everywhere. They offer a quick and easy way to share information, whether it’s a website, a contact, or a location. Excel allows you to generate a QR code within your spreadsheet, making it simple to create scannable images that can be used in presentations, marketing materials, or business cards.

To generate a QR code, go to the “Insert” tab and select “Symbols.” From there, choose “QR Code.” You can enter the data or URL you want to encode, and Excel will create the QR code for you. This feature is a great way to add interactive elements to your spreadsheets and make them more engaging.

With almost everyone carrying a smartphone these days, QR codes are a convenient way to connect with your audience. Whether you’re sharing contact information, linking to a website, or providing additional resources, QR codes are a must-have Excel skill. Generate and share QR codes with ease in Excel.