7 Must-Have Excel Skills Everyone Should Know


4. How to Sum All of Your Data at Once

Summing data in Excel is a common task, but it can be time-consuming if you’re not familiar with the shortcuts. The “AutoSum” feature allows you to sum multiple rows or columns quickly without having to manually create a formula. To use AutoSum, simply select an empty cell adjacent to the data you want to add, then press ALT =. Excel will automatically detect the range and insert the SUM function.

This feature is invaluable when you need to add a series of numbers, such as monthly sales or weekly expenses. It’s also useful for creating totals in your spreadsheets without having to manually enter each cell reference. The AutoSum feature is intuitive and can save you a lot of time.

For more complex calculations, you can customize the formula that AutoSum generates. This flexibility allows you to create custom sums based on your specific needs. The Excel Dictionary has additional resources on how to use this feature effectively.