Scariest tribes you don’t want to meet.



The Suri people a.k.a Sarama people is a south-western tribe in Ethiopia. Painful rituals, dangerous fighting ceremonies with sticks and painful lip plugs define the Suri tribe. They still relentlessly follow the ancient ways of life.Image

The Suri people are an indigenous group living in the southwestern region of Ethiopia, near the border with South Sudan. The Suri are one of several ethnic groups in the area, and their unique cultural traditions have attracted attention from researchers and tourists alike. The Suri are pastoralists, raising cattle and goats, and their way of life is closely tied to the land and natural resources around them.

One of the most striking features of Suri culture is their tradition of body painting and scarification. Both men and women use natural pigments to create intricate designs on their skin, and scarification is used as a rite of passage for young men. The Suri also wear elaborate clothing and accessories, such as lip plates and beaded jewelry, which are used to signify social status and identity.Image

The Suri people have a strong sense of community and cooperation, with communal grazing lands and water sources shared among members of the tribe. They have a unique system of governance, with decisions made by community elders and leaders. The Suri are also known for their martial traditions, and conflicts with neighboring tribes are common.

The Suri people have faced numerous challenges in recent years, including the impacts of climate change, land degradation, and conflict with neighboring tribes. The encroachment of modernity has also posed a threat to their cultural traditions, with some Suri youth abandoning traditional practices in favor of more modern lifestyles.

Despite these challenges, the Suri people remain committed to preserving their cultural heritage and way of life. Efforts are being made to promote sustainable development and protect the natural resources that are so important to their pastoralist lifestyle. The Suri are a testament to the resilience of indigenous communities and the importance of cultural diversity in our world.


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