7 Netflix Documentaries You Need to Watch That Will Put You in the Top 1% of World Professionals


6. The Minimalists

ImageIn a world of excess, The Minimalists advocates for a simpler, more intentional way of living. This documentary follows Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, who explore the benefits of minimalism and how it can lead to a more fulfilling life.

For professionals, adopting a minimalist mindset can enhance productivity and focus. By decluttering your physical and mental space, you can reduce distractions and concentrate on what truly matters. The Minimalists offers practical tips on simplifying your life, from your possessions to your commitments.

Additionally, this documentary highlights the importance of aligning your actions with your values. Professionals can learn how to prioritize their time and energy, leading to greater satisfaction and success in their careers.

By embracing minimalism, you can achieve a more balanced and purposeful professional life. The Minimalists provides a blueprint for living with intention, helping you to excel in your field and stand out among your peers.