8 Channels That Will Teach You More Skills Than a 4-Year Degree


7. Veritasium

ImageScience is fascinating, and Veritasium brings that fascination to life with engaging videos about science, education, and other interesting topics. Hosted by Derek Muller, Veritasium explores the wonders of the universe and delves into questions that spark curiosity and imagination.

The channel covers a wide range of scientific subjects, from physics and chemistry to biology and technology. Veritasium’s videos are designed to be both informative and visually captivating, making complex concepts accessible to a broad audience. Whether you’re interested in learning about quantum mechanics or the science behind everyday phenomena, Veritasium has something for you.

What sets Veritasium apart is its ability to turn science into captivating stories. The host’s enthusiasm for learning is contagious, inspiring viewers to explore the mysteries of the universe. Discover the magic of science with Veritasium, and see why learning can be both enlightening and enjoyable.