8 Channels That Will Teach You More Skills Than a 4-Year Degree


5. Practical Engineering

ImageEngineering is all around us, from the buildings we live in to the infrastructure that keeps our cities running. Practical Engineering is a channel that explores the human-made world and teaches you about the principles of engineering. Hosted by Grady Hillhouse, this channel offers clear explanations of complex engineering concepts.

Whether you’re interested in learning about bridges, dams, or water treatment, Practical Engineering provides detailed insights into how these systems work. The videos are informative and easy to understand, making them perfect for both engineers and curious learners. The host’s passion for engineering is infectious, making each video a delight to watch.

If you’ve ever wondered how the world around you is built, Practical Engineering is the channel to watch. It’s a great resource for aspiring engineers and anyone interested in the mechanics of the modern world. Explore the fascinating world of engineering with Practical Engineering, and gain a new appreciation for the structures that shape our lives.