7 Rules To Follow That Can Change Your Life


LAW IV: “A Great Man Is Hard on Himself; a Small Man Is Hard on Others.” — Confucius

ImageConfucius, the revered Chinese philosopher, believed that true greatness comes from self-discipline and introspection. Being hard on yourself means holding yourself to high standards and taking responsibility for your actions. On the other hand, those who are hard on others often project their own insecurities. This rule is about self-accountability and humility.

Great leaders and successful individuals often push themselves to excel, constantly seeking ways to improve. They don’t blame others for their shortcomings; instead, they look inward to find solutions. This approach fosters growth, learning, and personal development.

If you find yourself criticizing others or blaming them for your problems, take a step back. Reflect on how you can be more self-disciplined and responsible. By doing so, you’ll become a better person and a more effective leader. A great man is hard on himself because he knows that greatness starts from within.