20 Common Remote Job Scams: How to Spot and Avoid Them


17. Pyramid Schemes Disguised as Jobs
Job offers that resemble pyramid schemes should be approached with caution, as they often promise unrealistic returns and require you to recruit others or make an initial investment. Pyramid schemes are illegal and involve money changing hands without any actual product or service being provided. Protect yourself from pyramid schemes by recognizing the signs and avoiding any job offers that require payment or recruitment of others. Legitimate job opportunities do not require any upfront investment or involvement in illegal schemes.

18. Reshipping Scams
In reshipping scams, individuals are asked to receive and resend packages, often purchased with stolen credit cards. This makes them unknowingly accomplices to illegal activities. Be cautious of any job offers that require you to receive and resend packages, especially if they promise substantial earnings for simple tasks. Always research the company and verify the legitimacy of any reshipping job offers before providing any personal information or making any financial commitments.