The Uses Of Window 10 In Respect Of Update Blockers.


As a window Administrator to a device there are chance that you might have encounted one or multiple update blockers ever since you started using or administrating the device.

It must be noted that current Update blockers prevent updates on devices
that Microsoft deems incompatible with a released feature update. Onething you must note is that Incompatible does not necessarily mean that the device will never receive the update but that something is preventing the update from installing correctly on the system or that the updated system would have issues after the installation of the update completes depending on the system involved.

let look at things like an incompatible driver or application version, a system setting, or a particular hardware device can all lead to update blockers being set by Microsoft various devices.

One important issues of Windows 10 administrators who run with devices that have update blockers is the lack of information that Microsoft provides.

The Windows 10 Release Information dashboard which has the highlights of some of the known issues that block feature updates from being installed,with nothing of the sort is built-into Windows.

The dashboard(Windows 10 Release Information dashboard ) lists some update blockers and resolved issues, but the information that is provided by Microsoft is often not enough to deal with the issue on affected devices as claimed to be sometimes.

It must be noted that some reports are useful enough for troubleshooting like when Microsoft mentions that some “older drivers” for a particular hardware device are causing issues.

It must also be noted that the dashboard does not list all issues that block feature updates from being installed on devices.

According to ZDnet’s Mary-Jo Foley reports that Microsoft may be working on a solution that provides administrators with more information when update blockers are encountered for devices during installation. Her unnamed sources acknowledge that Microsoft is aware of the issue surrounding update blockers and that the company plans to address these on two fronts.

Although MicroSoft is testing more hardware and driver combinations, and using artificial intelligence/machine learning to discover potential issues more quickly, and ideally before the feature update is being rolled out, and second, by giving administrators who encounter update blockers “specific and actionable” information to enable them solve the problem on time.

Please Note:

With more information on ground, especially if it leads to resolving update blockers, is always welcome by Microsoft and other Top Tech Giants. Especially driver related issues are considered a prime example of how Microsoft could provide administrators with actionable information.

But it must be noted that if Windows Update notices that a driver is the cause, Microsoft could easily give information to the administrators that updating the driver so as to resolve the issue immediately. Sometimes Microsoft could even propose to install a compatible driver, or at least provide a link to the manufacturer’s downloads website to make things more comfortable for its customers.

Finally we must not that Microsoft can provide actionable information for all update blockers, as some may require bug fixing on the company’s site, software updates or driver updates.

Still, It is allowed for all administrators to probably welcome any bit of information that Microsoft provides in addition to what it provides right now.